


想了解更多GDI...索取線上免費DVD中文影音資訊 http://gdiconsultant.net/lifeeasy/如有疑問可留言或 e-mail : gdi_lifeeasy@ymail.com

gdi, 域名.在家, 創業, 網路, 加盟, 兼職, 賺錢, GDI, 免費試用, WS, 域名, 投資, 商機, 工作

website creation with site builder software

Create your Own Template

In "Manage layout background":

-To select background image,type in the URL of the image you want to use as the header image

-To select background color, click"legend",choose a color and type the color code

-Click the "Update" button

-Go back to main screen and click "Web Site Theme"

-Click"Select my own created template"

Add Mailing List

-Enter the info in the boxes 

-Select the info you wish to capture. e.g.Name,Email,etc.

-Enter Submit button text 

-Click "Generatc Code"

-Copy and paste this code to the page you want to insert 

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Business and Internet Marketing Plan Creation and Raising Capital

Major Sources of Funding

-Venture Capitals-Seed capital: initial funding to start the compan

-Growth:invest into company's expansion plans

-Governmant Grants

-Angel Investors

-Organisation/groups-Personal friends/individuals

Venture Capitals

Their Objective: Capital Gains

-e.g.List the company (IPO)

-Sits on Boards of  Directors,

monitors monthly/quarterly operational reports

Question to Ask: when was their Last Investment?


-Open for all nationalities (just need 1Malaysian partner)

Check the websites for VC list:

 - Malaysia-www.MVCA.org.my

-Singapore -www.SVCA.org.sg

-International list of VCs by countries

-National Venture Capital Association-www.NVCA.org

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.